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The American Left Rigs Elections Everywhere Else, so Why Wouldn’t They Do It Here?


“If we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win,” said then-Sen. Hillary Clinton in a 2006 interview with the Jewish Press. She was talking about an election of the Palestinian Legislative Council (the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority) that was won handily by Hamas, to the chagrin of the United States. The UK Observer, which listened to the one existent audio recording of the interview, quoted Hillary in October 2016. At that time, Donald Trump was catching flack for saying that the upcoming presidential election was already rigged. Hillary’s nonchalant admission — that rigging elections is SOP for America’s establishment elite — remains just as shocking and revelatory today.

For those who care to see it, evidence and complaints of U.S. elections meddling abroad are plentiful.

In Hungary, conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orban has done much to shore up his nation’s sovereignty and cultural integrity, including standing up to George Soros’s insidious tentacles and the EU’s relentless stream of third-world colonizers — and Big Left can’t have that. In February 2022, just ahead of Hungary’s April parliamentary elections, a group called “Action for Democracy” appeared and dispensed “colossal sums” to Orban’s opponent, Péter Márki-Zay. “That the Hungarian opposition is supported from the United States is an open secret. Nevertheless, such an amount of money is astonishing,” marveled Observatoire du journalisme. Foreign money being used in elections is illegal in Hungary.

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One Comment

  1. Swordslinger Swordslinger March 7, 2023

    I think we have plenty of evidence they’ve been doing it here for many years and we have PROOF!

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