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Ex UFO chiefs claim their Pentagon bosses misled Congress by claiming a swarm of mysterious objects that buzzed around Navy ships in 2019 were mere drones – not a national security threat




  • The former head of the government’s UFO task force Jay Stratton and his chief scientist Travis Taylor spoke about 2019 UFO sightings at AlienCon 
  • They said their investigation left them fearing Russia or China could have incredible drone technology and that it was a national security threat
  • When the incident was recounted by their high-ranking Pentagon bosses to Congress last year, they said the mystery was solved and they were mere drones

The inside story of a 2019 UFO investigation by two top former intelligence officials was revealed in a jaw-dropping talk at a conference in Los Angeles.

The former head of the government’s UFO task force Jay Stratton and his chief scientist Travis Taylor spilled the secrets of their official probe into a swarm of objects that buzzed around a fleet of eight Navy ships off the US West Coast in July 2019.

Speaking at AlienCon in Pasadena on March 5, Stratton and Taylor said their investigation left them fearing Russia or China could have achieved incredible drone battery technology – or may have launched quadcopters from submarines that somehow evaded the Navy’s best radar just miles from the mainland.





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