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FNC’s Carlson: ‘The Trans Movement Is the Mirror Image of Christianity, and Therefore Its Natural Enemy’



Tuesday, FNC host Tucker Carlson reacted to what he deemed evidence of the so-called transgender movement becoming increasingly “militant” and “possibly dangerous” after three minors and three adults were allegedly killed by a transgender person earlier this week in Nashville.

Carlson described the movement as the “mirror image” of Christianity, making it the religion’s enemy.

Transcript as follows:

CARLSON: It was just last week that we noticed that parts of the transgender movement seemed to be getting militant and possibly dangerous. We did a whole segment about it on Thursday night. That segment was sparked by an NPR segment we had heard and never expected to hear. NPR, as always, as a matter of editorial policy, completely opposed to civilian ownership of firearms, with the possible exception of maybe IRS agents.

Yet here suddenly was that very same station, National Public Radio, positively urging trans people to buy guns, as many guns as possible and if necessary, to use them: “The world is dangerous,” explained one trans gun owner, “You have to be dangerous back.”





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