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New York City Mayor Eric Adams Wants More “Safe Injection” Sites Across City So People Can Take Illegal Drugs In A Corralled Space

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Wants More “Safe Injection” Sites Across City So People Can Take Illegal Drugs In A Corralled Space
New York City Mayor Eric Adams Wants More “Safe Injection” Sites Across City So People Can Take Illegal Drugs In A Corralled Space

by Jacob M. Thompson


“We warned the city about the unintended consequences last year and it’s disturbing that Mayor Adams remains complicit with this illegal scheme that’s only encouraging illegal drug use, leaving residents fearful and placing them in harm’s way.”

The following report is SI Live:

Mayor Eric Adams announced the second phase of his plan to address New Yorkers mental health problems on Thursday, and a key prong is bringing more safe-injections sites to the five boroughs.

That doesn’t sit well with at least two local elected officials who vowed to oppose any of the sites, which the city calls overdose prevention centers, on Staten Island.





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  1. Doug Hegre Doug Hegre April 17, 2023

    But yet, we can’t have prayer in public schools?? WE can’t or won’t say The Pledge of Allegiance??? Look, agree our nation was founded on immigrants but immigrants of past wanted to “become Americans”, embrace our values, language and religion. Today, they feel that as a country, we should embrace their culture before the America culture as well as language. They want to come here for the “opportunities” but not to make our values (the ones that made freedom possible) their new values. Immigrant has a whole new definition today. And that isn’t about race, but an American comment.

  2. Ventriloquist Kriket Ventriloquist Kriket April 17, 2023

    White/Brown shirts strategy used in the Occupy protests “in a corralled space”

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