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Judge issues default order to Ammon Bundy, he responds by throwing a barbeque

By  Tracy Bringhurst


The latest update in St. Luke’s lawsuit against anti-government activist, and former gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy includes a deposition and a default ruling in St. Luke’s favor, as ruled by Judge Lynn Norton Monday morning.

The judge’s order follows months of absence on Bundy’s part, who has not been in attendance for any of the legal proceedings. In the ruling, Judge Norton stated Bundy along with the others named in the suit, Ammon Bundy for Governor and People’s Rights Network, failed to plead or otherwise defend against the complaint within the time allowed by law. It is expected that the Gem County Sheriff’s office will be serving Bundy the paperwork swiftly.

In an interview with KTVB today, Gem County Sheriff’s Office said deputies stopped by twice this morning to see if he was there but he wasn’t. The second time there were 2 people’s rights people there. There was no information on when Bundy would be served the legal papers.





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One Comment

  1. Ventriloquist Kriket Ventriloquist Kriket April 24, 2023

    It’s not fair, “It’s not cricket, an English language phrase meaning unsportsmanlike conduct in sports, in business, or in life in general,” says Google. It’s “piling on” as in football. He has invited a default judgment because he cannot afford the process. They, the lawyers, parties, judge ignore. He has invited all to the party he’s throwing, and the process will throw him in jail when a simple default judgment was in order, then they can commence financial worth discovery to discover assets subject to execution, make him divulge same, by threat of contempt for failure to comply, but too early for that now.

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