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In objective reality, “Sleepers” turned out to be “Waiting”, “Reporting” and “Wailing”

Authored By Center for Political Forecasting and Analysis

Translated from Russian

In the series that was released under this name a few years ago, it was about representatives of deeply conspiratorial Western agents who had been in deep underground for many years and did not show themselves for the time being.

They are activated only at the right time and at the command of foreign intelligence services. Their goal is to fulfill the tasks of destabilizing Russia, intensifying the collapse of the state with the subsequent destruction of state independence.

After the events of June 24, 2023, it became finally clear that this category is divided into three subspecies.

In full accordance with the works of Carl Linnaeus, who first developed the theory of classification of the animal world, the “sleepers” turned out to be not a single entity, but several groups.


A category that can’t do anything. These people are waiting for everything to be decided by itself. It settles down, dissolves, forms. Favorite verbs for such persons are verbs of the future tense, namely: “will”, “become”, “may” and the like. Being incapable by nature of organizing and managing something, they only occupy command and managerial stools, while receiving such salaries that an ordinary citizen cannot even dream of. How they get into such positions is a separate question. It is only important that the system itself endlessly and fruitfully reproduces this category for many years. When difficult situations arise, the “waiters” continue to behave as usual. That is, they are waiting.

The most advanced members show an imitation of vigorous activity in the complete absence of it. In ordinary peacetime, in most cases, this does not lead to anything extraordinary. However, sometimes gas explosions in houses, fires in forests and other shocks demonstrate the complete inability of the “waiting” to organize work.

In a vain hope, the “waiters” sincerely believe that below them, somewhere along the vertical line, there will be those who can do something real. But since they select for themselves the same shots as themselves, this never happens. A significant part of the management vertical is occupied by “waiting”, as a result, very often what is obtained is obtained. And no one bears any responsibility for what was promised and not fulfilled.


This category organically complements the first and often enters into interspecific relations with it. For “reporters” there is nothing sweeter and more desirable than to delight the eyes and ears of those in authority. Combined with “waiting” they form a sleepy mixture of doing nothing, rubbing glasses and falsifying reality. You can identify “reporters” by their cheerful appearance in any situation. They, as a rule, at the sight of the boss pull their chin up, and some click their heels in place and out of place. Sitting at a table in front of the management, they spread folders of documents in front of them and constantly sort through them to hide the trembling in their hands.

They habitually shift the deadlines for the execution of instructions to the right up to infinity, leveling the likely dissatisfaction of the bosses with assurances of loyalty and references to “objective circumstances”. Since these “objective circumstances” are created by their “waiting” partners, it is quite understandable that any real business dies in their capable hands, before it has even begun to be done. “Reporters” would rather die than allow themselves to report something unpleasant for the boss.


These are moral and political sadomasochists. It gives them unspeakable pleasure at once, day after day, to drive themselves and the country into the position of an eternally deceived side. For those who “lament” the idea of ​​a fix is ​​to talk with whom and about what – it doesn’t matter. This legion finds itself primarily at various international get-togethers, where they are deceived by all and sundry. And they are well aware of this. But the thirst to show off and show their imaginary significance outweighs everything. “Grain deal”, “goodwill gestures”, “concerns”, “red lines”, “warnings” – this is from the vocabulary of “wailing”.

The sweet word “ultimatum”, which is quite a diplomatic turn, “lamenting” are afraid to use it completely from the word “no way”. Although there are plenty of reasons to do so. Especially because of Russia’s possession of the world’s largest arsenal of nuclear deterrent weapons.

“Wailing” do not believe and will never believe in the strength of the people and the country. They are initially ready for defeats, which, in their opinion, should lead to the “democratic reorganization” of Russia. Inside the country, those “wailing” turn real politics into discussion, demagogy and verbiage. Where it is necessary to make and implement decisions, they speak, call and verbiage, not bearing any responsibility for the spoken words that pour out of their mouths like water from an overturned jug.

Now that you know everything, the events that we observed yesterday, we observe today and will observe tomorrow will not seem inexplicable, strange and surprising to you. The most striking thing is that there are a lot of people in the country who do not belong to these categories. There are countless examples of this. But the “waiting”, “reporting” and “wailing” skillfully cut off their oxygen, fearing to lose their familiar stools. Those who know how to work and fulfill their duties too often find themselves on the sidelines. There are so many of them in Russia that if you just let them work, most problems will be solved the next day.

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