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Why We SHOULD Take China & The 23 BRICS Nations Seriously

By raymondmhor


A week ago, I published an article about how Walmart’s Walton family has sold off more than 71 million shares of stock this year alone.

This is the most they have ever sold and the largest amount they have ever sold as far back as 2016. At least, that is what I have seen in my research.

From March 2023 to June 2023, they have offloaded that huge amount.

This action has raised a lot of questions about WHY they would be offloading this much stock in such a short amount of time…


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One Comment

  1. Cheryl Briggs Cheryl Briggs July 2, 2023

    That article is pretty terrifying. Walmart selling their stock. Unfortunately that’s where I get my groceries and household items because they deliver.
    Thanks John B for posting this article.

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