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Conservatives mad at Anne Andres, a muscular trans woman for setting new record in women’s powerlifting

By Asir F


The disparities of the woke culture and feminism is rising again after a muscular well built trans woman sets a new record for women’s powerlifting. In addition to this, there is a growing movement among conservative women stating that it is unfair for a transwoman of this stature to compete in women’s sports.

Sportskeeda states Anne Andres, a transgender male, achieves a national record in Canada’s powerlifting domain. Following that, the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s Western Canadian Championship, Andres participates in the Female Masters Unequipped category.

Andres’ dominant performance led to uncertainty among online users regarding the appropriateness of an individual like that surpassing a women’s record. Notably, Anne Andres achieved a substantial total powerlifting score of 597.5 kilograms. Furthermore, this exceeds her opponent SuJan Gill, who secured a score of 387.5 kg…


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