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Team Trump moves: Gregory Angelo to drug czar, OMB’s Derek Kan, Sergio Gor to campaign

by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist

The drug czar has a new spokesman, longtime Washington politico and communications adviser Gregory Angelo.

The latest addition to the Office of National Drug Control Policy was most recently the communications director for Texas Rep. Pete Olson. He also served as president of the Log Cabin Republicans, a national gay and transgender GOP organization. As president, he welcomed the 2016 nomination and election of President Trump. …

It’s official: Derek Kan, the executive associate director of the Office of Management and Budget, has been nominated as the agency’s deputy director. He will be under Russ Vought, who moved up from deputy to director. For the past few months, Kan, a recent undersecretary for policy at the Transportation Department, has been overseeing the distribution of coronavirus funds and other key budget items. He has a reputation for bipartisanship, has worked for several GOP leaders, and has a high-tech background. Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, praised Kan as “smart, competent, politically savvy, a serious economic thinker who should have been running things over at the White House several years ago.” …

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s longtime deputy Sergio Gor is moving to the Trump campaign as chief of staff for the Trump Victory Finance Committee. In a tweet, he said, “National Chair @kimguilfoyle has revolutionized fundraising & bundling. I couldn’t be with a better team as we advance to victory.” …

The 149th annual National Rifle Association meeting has been rescheduled for Sept. 5 at the Springfield Expo Center in Springfield, Missouri. The initial plan to have a big fest in Nashville was canceled due to the coronavirus crisis. In Springfield, it will be a much smaller event that is expected to draw 1,200 people, not the usual 90,000. …

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