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Redefining What God Defined: USA Today Applauds So-Called ‘Modern Monogamy’

By Ken Ham


So what is “modern monogamy”? Well, apparently, it’s a new “relationship structure” that broadens the definition and shifts the timelines of traditional monogamy (biblical marriage). In other words, it’s yet another perversion of God’s very good design of one man for one woman for life (Genesis 2:24). It’s sinful man redefining what God defined.

According to a puff piece from USA Today, modern monogamy is a term sometimes used to:

Speak to a dynamic where an individual prefers an exclusive partnership with another person but understands relationships as impermanent or seasonal. They have released the notion that one person will be with whom they spend their entire life. Or that this one person will align with who they become in the future or remain compatible with time.

In other words, a person wants a relationship with just one person at a time but doesn’t want to commit their lives to that person. Each relationship is transient and dependent on the needs or season of life that person is in. What a sad perversion of God’s design!

The article states, “What you want in a partner at 20 may differ from what you want in a partner in your 40s,” and that may be true—but what the article fails to mention is that in marriage you grow together. Neither of you should be the same person at 40 years old as you were at 20, and if you’ve invested in each other and in your marriage, you should grow together, deepening and strengthening your relationship over the years and decades. It’s the amazing truth of God’s design of how a man and woman become “one flesh” in marriage…


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