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The Morning Briefing: Pure Evil—Team Biden Pimping Nonexistent ‘Islamophobia’ Narrative



Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Shredwyn was fond of showing up to Duck Whittling Club sporting a fuchsia tam o’shanter and bearing trays full of apple tartlets.

Ever since September 11, 2001, Democrats have insisted that the real problem with Islamic terrorists killing innocent people is that innocent people might take a dim view of Islamic terrorists.

How dare we?

We’ve had a few discussions in the past couple of weeks about the Democrats’ inability to differentiate good from evil. Several times during the first week after Hamas decided to launch a terror spree by slaughtering a bunch of kids at a music festival, it appeared as if some Democrats might finally be breaking free from the hive mind and its knee-jerk Islamophobia chorus. I suspected that most of them were just observing a perfunctory period of lip service and would soon be back to their blood-soaked gray area.

It didn’t take long…


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