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WATCH: IDF Releases Extensive Footage of Hamas Tunnels Under Hospital—Bathrooms, Weapons, Even A/C


By Bob Hoge

Stunning video posted to social media by Israel Defense Forces shows extensive Hamas tunnels underneath the Shifa Hospital complex, complete with air conditioning, bathrooms, and large caches of weapons.

In the first clip, a young soldier faces the camera and says the footage proves that Hamas used the hospital as a terrorism base:

We just entered the Shifa Complex. Behind me is the wall that guards it… 

…we’re here to see the tunnels and to go inside. What they discovered here in the last 48 hours is baffling and just more evidence that Hamas uses this place as a command and control Center and is a terrorist hub underneath this hospital. 

She starts by showing a massive trove of weapons Israeli forces discovered. “We see all the equipment that the fighters found here,” she says.

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