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Nine-Year Old Chiefs Fan Accused of “Blackface” Speaks Out

By Noah 


I love this story!

I don’t like any stress it’s brought to this family, or the evil hate constantly spewed by the MSM, but I love how the facts keep turning in this kid’s favor and how his family is standing strong!

We’re all 100% behind you, keep standing tall!

You did absolutely nothing wrong.

Holden Armenta and his father, Bubba, joined Watter’s World last night and spoke out for the first time since the incident.

My friends over at TrendingPolitics wrote the following:

“It’s been a little bit of a spiral,” Bubba said.

Asked how he’s holding up, Holden put on a cheerful face and said his friends and community have been behind him. He’s also excited to attend next Sunday’s game where Chiefs Nation has pledged to wear the half-black, half-red face paint that originally drew attention to him.

“It’s okay because a lot of kids at school are getting excited but it’s starting to get me a little nervous because if they go a little bit overboard it’s a little scary,” Holden said.

Watters then asked Bubba if he and Holden, who are Native Americans, would accept an apology from Carron J. Phillips, the Deadspin reporter who wrote that Holden “found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.”

“I don’t even know what to think about that. It’s a little too late for that. The damage is already done. It’s worldwide. Now there’s comments all over, there’s disrespect toward Native Americans and toward my family. We never in any way, shape, or form never meant to disrespect any Native Americans. The tribe we’re from doesn’t even wear that headdress. This specific headdress is a novelty piece, it’s a costume piece. That’s exactly what we’d purchased it for and wore it for.

“It’s been a whirlwind of comments coming even from other tribes, tribal members. Some think it’s okay, something it’s not okay. It’s a nine-year-old boy supporting his team,” he added…

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