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WATCH: CHILLING, President Trump Eulogizes Biden’s America

Vince Quill

I don’t know what else to call it besides a eulogy, but this is the biggest thing that stuck out to me from the Coralville Iowa rally.

President Trump concluded his speech at the rally with what could only be called a eulogy, a eulogy to Biden’s America. It was truly chilling because it’s all true.

That particular portion of the 45th President’s speech took up a full 12 minutes or something like that, and President Trump covered everything wrong with the state of the country today.

Truth be told, he could have gone on for an hour or more—the Biden administration’s failings have been deep and all-encompassing both at home and abroad.

I won’t bore you with anything more I have to say, it is difficult to put into words President Trump’s chilling end cap to his speech in Iowa, don’t take my word for it, have a look for yourself.

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