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In a volunteer tank battalion formed by the IDF, older versions of Merkava tanks are equipped with anti-drone visors

By Topwar

The Israeli army has formed a volunteerĀ tankĀ battalion. We are talking about the Phoenix armed formation within the IDF.

However, during the formation of the new battalion, a problem was discovered: while there were Israeli reservists/retirees willing to serve in its composition, it was discovered that there was a lack of a sufficient number of modern tanks.

In this regard, the Israeli military command decided to arm the volunteer tank battalion with versions of Merkava tanks previously withdrawn from the IDF arsenal. In particular, we are talking about Merkava Mk3B tanks without 4th generation armor. These versions can be called ā€œnew from oldā€.

Israeli sources report that a total of up to 100 such tanks remain in storage in relatively good condition. In the meantime, the Phoenix battalion has 24 tanks, 14 of which may take at least 2 weeks to fully restore combat readiness.

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