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AI Restaurant Opens as California Imposes New Minimum Wage

“By the time you’re done hiring a no work history minimum wage employee, you’re out of pocket about $54,000”

Policies have consequences.

Socialists tend to think of the world as a puzzle in which they clear away the obstacles and then they can arrange it how they please. In reality, it’s a dynamic living system that responds and counters all the various policies that leftists love to impose.

Welcome to Hotel California. Just don’t expect lunch because no one can afford to pay the waiters.

Moonstone Bistro, a popular fine-dining restaurant in west Redding, has announced they will stop serving lunch, citing California’s increased minimum wage requirements as a critical factor

“We want to be able to hire people,” said Moonstone Bistro’s Executive Chef/Owner Che Stedman. “But anybody, if they have experience, now wants much more than $20/hour. And if they have no experience, their opening ask is $20/hour. Why wouldn’t it be?”

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