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Morgan Stanley DOWNGRADES U.S. Dollar Rating — Bad Times Ahead?

By Noah


We’ve been warning about this for several months…

Always nice to be ahead of the curve, even ahead of a financial institution like Morgan Stanley.

We’ve been warning you the U.S. dollar is in a very bad spot…

We’ve been telling you about the oncoming BRICS nations….

Bo Polny and I just discussed it all again last week on my show….

Well, here’s the latest — Morgan Stanley has finally thrown in the towel.

They were one of the last holdouts claiming the U.S. Dollar could remain strong.

No longer:



At some point, you just can’t ignore the writing on the wall, and it looks like Morgan Stanley finally reached that point.

Uh oh!

It was just a few months ago that credit ratings agency Fitch also downgraded the U.S. Dollar….

Remember that?

U.S. Dollar DOWNGRADED Due To “Governance Deterioration”

Something big happened yesterday and you might have missed it amidst all the Trump Arraignment coverage…

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