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Look out! Phone-related accidents are skyrocketing


NEW YORK — In an era where technology is an inseparable part of daily life, from the tiniest earbuds to the largest home computers, it’s become clear that our devices, while indispensable, are not without risks. A recent survey drawing on data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) has revealed some startling statistics about tech-related injuries. So, if you’re reading this on your smartphone while walking right now — LOOK UP! Researchers found that texting while walking is on its way to becoming the most common tech injury cause throughout the entire United States.

Televisions, a staple in American homes, are currently responsible for 30 percent of all tech-related incidents in the U.S., with the majority of injuries stemming from lifting heavy screens. Strains and sprains, particularly to the lower back, are the most common complaints.

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