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Are They Bringing Juice Boxes Too? Gen Z Bringing Parents With Them to Job Interviews

By Grateful Calvin 


We get a lot of cringes from Gen Z, like when they complain that they’re not making six figures right out of school, for instance. We’re not sure about the rest of you, but this writer, for one, barely ever had more than $5 in disposable income each week until we hit our 30s. (Hey, some of us are late bloomers, you know?)

But the latest report to make us weep for the future comes from the New York Post, which tells us that nearly 1 in 5 Gen Z college applicants are … bringing their parents to job interviews with them.


In a recent survey of more than 800 hiring managers, Intelligent magazine reported that 19 percent of Gen Z job applicants are, yes, asking mommy or daddy to join them for their interview.

Holy hell. This is way beyond helicopter parenting. This is lawnmower parenting (trust us, look it up).

But it gets even worse for Gen Z. According to The Post, the survey also reported the following gruesome numbers:

One in five employers say that recent college graduates are “unprepared” for interviews — and are often unprofessional.

Fifty-three percent of employers surveyed said that recent college graduates struggle with eye contact, 50% said they ask for unreasonable compensation, 47% said they don’t dress appropriately for interviews, and 21% said they refuse to turn their cameras on for virtual interviews.

Additionally, 63% of those involved in hiring claimed that recent college grads can’t manage their workload, 61% said they are frequently late to work, 59% claimed they often miss deadlines, and 53% noted that they are frequently late to meetings.

Fifty-eight percent said Gen Z jobseekers get offended too easily and are unprepared for the workforce in general, 63% said they are entitled, 57% believed they lack professionalism, 55% said they don’t respond well to constructive feedback, and 52% claimed they have poor communication skills…

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