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Ultra Js Fight Cops Over Secret Tunnel

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By Real News and History

Move along, boys and girls. Nothing to see here. Just a rabid mob of fanatical “usual suspects” attacking New York City police in an attempt to zealously protect a “secret tunnel” they had built beneath a city block in Brooklyn borough. Only a stark, raving, paranoid, far right, Q-tard “antisemite” ℱ would even dare to speculate that something nefarious was going on underground.

From the article:

“The tunnel, a passageway between the headquarters of the group, the Chabad-Lubavitcher movement, and at least one adjacent property, was first discovered late last year, according to local news reports. But on Monday afternoon, after a cement truck was brought in to fill it, some Hasidic men attempted to block that effort.

The police were called, and officers said they found a group of men breaking through a wall of the prayer space that led to the tunnel. After a resulting confrontation, which included skirmishes with officers, nine people were arrested.”

The general spin of the Slimes article is that some competing sects of Hasidic nutjobs were just acting nutty. Yet, in spite of the limited hangout, there is this intriguing little begging of a question: “It is not yet known exactly who built the tunnel, how they did so, or what they hoped to accomplish.” Let’s us explore — based on data which has surfaced from the video of the confrontation with police — a “conspiracy theory”ℱ which “The Editorial Board” here at The Anti-New York Times had already sensed, even before hearing of and then seeing the disturbing images on the video.

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