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Reality Is Going To Bite HARD And SOON

By Kat Stansell

The “Head Count” of Border Invaders Means Nothing

The number of invaders that have breached our borders since our government was stolen in the Coup of 2020 really doesn’t matter , except to wake people up. They are an invading army of trained military, drug and child traffickers. Each has a purpose. They share the goal of the destruction of our country. Very few are pitiful refugees looking for a better life.

When this all began, I wrote about the Cloward and Piven theory, where those two communist professors from Columbia University in the ‘60’s postulated that the best way to destroy America was to overwhelm our systems. Obama is said to have studied there in the ‘80’s- even though no one remembers his presence. Whether or not he actually spent time at this communist sewage tank, we know he has borrowed the idea. Both Barry AND his man, Mike, despise America and don’t mind if anyone knows it. They are aiming for America under Shariah law.

So, Biden, the nominal figurehead of the illegal 3rd Obama administration began the invasion process in the first month of the Junta’s takeover, Jan. 2021 – THE SAME TIME AS THE PURGE WAS STARTED. My disgust runneth over. This was not coincidence, of course. The illegal government in DC fears – still – the supporters of law and order – and Trump. Both are their blood enemy. As are all of us who want freedom. Prepare accordingly, mentally and physically.

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