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Joe Biden’s Delusion About His Border Crisis Is Laughable At This Point

By Sarah Arnold 


The U.S.-Mexico border has seen record amounts of illegal crossings. The fiscal year 2023 alone saw a massive number of illegal aliens storm the southern border, with a record of 3.2 million migrants encountered. This number does not include “gotaways” or those who have avoided detection. Since Biden took office, more than 8 million illegal aliens have entered the United States.

Yet, according to President Joe Biden, the record-breaking millions of illegal migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border daily is not a “crisis.”

On Saturday, Biden told reporters that there is no need to worry about the southern border despite illegal crossings surging to record highs because there was no crisis, suggesting it is nothing more than a Republican scare tactic.

As he was leaving Camp David, Biden was asked by Fox News reporter Lucas Tomlinson if he considered the southern border to be in danger. In response, the president firmly said “no.”

“I have been pushing them – my Republican colleagues since they got in office. I think we have to make major changes to the border,” Biden responded.

In response, Republicans criticized Biden for spinning the border crisis, which is the result of the president’s reckless open border policies, on the GOP…


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