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Canada’s Terror TV



Long past time for Canadians to push back.

Our intrepid colleague Christine Williams recently exposed “Free Palestine TV,” an outlet “established by a global coalition of terror activists is operating and fundraising in Canada, assisted by a global coalition of radical activists and violent extremists from designated terrorist organizations.”

Christine also exposed FPTV director Laith Marouf, a Trudeau crony who wants to treat “Jewish white supremacists” with “a bullet in the head” and calls Jews “loud-mouthed bags of human feces.”  This guy probably never met anybody like this writer’s Jewish neighbors and schoolmates in Windsor Ontario.

When our family moved there in the 1950s, the neighborhood had no public swimming pool and kids sought relief by running through lawn sprinklers. The Silver family, two doors down on McKay Ave., duly assembled an above-ground “doughboy” pool and invited all kids on the block. That sure felt good on hot summer days.

On cold winter days, Mrs. Silver drove me to Glenwood Public School along with her own children Ron and Sandra. There was never any anti-Jewish sentiment at the school, and if there had been, polyglot principal Norton Mansfield would been all over it in a second.

Glenwood student Jeff Mandel was something of a joker, but also athletic. He joined in games of British Bulldog and played defensive line for the AKO Fratmen of the Canadian Junior Football league. Isaac Novak was a fantastic baseball pitcher. He reportedly declined to pitch a game on Yom Kippur, but that is the only controversy I recall about Izzy.

I remember the Haddads, Christian Arabs, but I don’t recall any Arab-language magazine such as Al-Forquan calling for the killing of Jews as part of a “sacred duty of jihad.” There was never anything like that in the Windsor Star or any of the Detroit newspapers.

I don’t recall anybody like “Windsor man” Habibullah Ahmadi, 21, murdering a 75-year-old grandmother like Anne Widholm, out for a walk after church. Ahmadi beat the frail woman into coma, inflicting the worst skull fractures Dr. Balraj Jhawar had ever seen in Windsor, and she died more than a year later…


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