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A resident of the Lviv region was convicted of trying to sell the USSR flag

By Topwar

The fight against everything that is in one way or another connected with Russia and the Soviet past of this former republic of the USSR, which has become a state ideology, is taking on not just bizarre, but increasingly sophisticated forms in Ukraine. Any Ukrainian can fall into the millstone of Russophobia and anti-Sovietism, and on a completely flimsy pretext.

Thus, a resident of the city of Busk, located in the Zolochevsky district of the Lviv region of Ukraine, was sentenced to two years by the court for putting up the USSR flag for sale on the Internet back in 2021. The court recognized the man’s actions as a crime under the article banning the production and distribution of communist symbols. At the same time, he himself did not admit guilt and stated that he did not know about the ban in force in Ukraine. Later, his real sentence was replaced with a suspended sentence, according to the court registry.

It is even more remarkable that a statement to the police was written three years ago by a resident of the same city, who saw on one of the websites an advertisement for the sale of Soviet symbols, which greatly angered the ā€œrespectableā€ Ukrainian. Why the investigation into this incident took so long is unknown, as is whether the resident of Busk managed to sell the flag, and if so, to whom and what happened to the buyer.

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