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VEEP WATCH: Trump Shreds Haley in Series of Emails, Plus Vivek’s Masterstroke?


Now that we’ve been told Trump is a lock for the Republican nominee, it’s time to start playing “Who’s he going to pick for VP?” This year’s competition is especially high-stakes, since that person will essentially be the incumbent in four short years. Unless the Democrats swap out Biden for someone irresistible, and soon, Trump’s ticket partner has a very real shot at being the 2028 GOP nominee.

 Plenty of pundits are arguing that Nikki Haley is Trump’s best choice. She checks various demographic boxes, she could help him win over suburban women and independents, and she brings in beaucoup donor bucks. Even people who love Trump and despise Haley have argued that this would be the tactical move.

The Trump campaign poured cold water on the Haley bracket Tuesday evening with a series of emails that went out to its Listserv. The messages did not purport to come from Trump himself, but rather were written as though each was a slide in a PowerPoint called “Why Nikki Haley Is Awful.”

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