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The Morning Briefing: Democrats Say (and Do) the Dumbest Things



Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Monday, y’all! I know you’re expecting Kruiser, but he had the opportunity to go to a Detroit Lions playoff game, so he passed the baton to me.

It was a great day for the Lions, which makes me a little jealous of Kruiser. I’ve been to an SEC Championship game, MLB playoff games, and an Olympic baseball game, but I’ve never been to an NFL playoff game. Of course, the only way we would be able to get a playoff game in Atlanta is if two other NFL teams decided to play a game at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.

If last week showed us anything, it’s that Democrats don’t care how foolish they make themselves look when they speak up. Matt shared the story of Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who took issue with Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) disapproval of another Biden nominee for a federal judgeship. This nominee just happens to be a Muslim, so Durbin naturally assumed that Cruz didn’t approve of him because Cruz is — you guessed it — a bigot.

“You have just impugned my character by making a false accusation, and I will say it is disgraceful!” Cruz told Durbin on Thursday. “Did you respond to any of the substance of what I said? No! You just attacked me and called me a bigot, and you responded by stating deliberate falsehoods…”

A Democrat relying on “deliberate falsehoods” to impugn a Republican? You don’t say!

And then Rick wrote about Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif., so you know she’s extra leftist), who sauntered into a House Committee hearing to spread propaganda about Cuba. There’s a little problem here: Lee isn’t a member of the committee, yet she spoke up without the unanimous consent of the committee, which is a big no-no. What was she trying to talk about?

“Lee was trying to advocate for a bill to help the Cuban private sector,” Rick explained. “The only problem, according to Cuban democracy advocates, is that a private sector in Cuba doesn’t exist. It’s a regime ploy.”

Oh, and when the committee booted Lee from the meeting, she whined about “suppression.” Ask the people your Cuban regime friends have silenced for decades what they think about suppression, Rep. Lee. Then come back and tell us how you feel.

And finally, I wrote a li’l something about the geriatric-in-chief Joe Biden, who went to a Cook Out restaurant in North Carolina (good choice, Mr. President) for ice cream and a photo op. The trouble with that ice cream run is that the internet is forever. Biden made another trip to Cook Out three or four years ago, and the pics demonstrate what Bidenomics has done to fast food prices.

In the first image, a junior tray, which involves a smaller main item and two sides, was $4.99, while a tray featuring a larger main and two sides, was $5.99. The second image, which we know is from the president’s visit this week, shows the junior tray at $6.59 and the regular tray at $7.59.

That’s an increase of 32% for the junior tray and a 27% jump in price for the regular tray over three or four years! (Aren’t you glad I did the math for you?) I wish I could’ve found the price differential for those milkshakes that Biden loves so much, but you can bet they’ve gone up by about the same amount, too…


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