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Wisdom from Old Joe Biden: ‘Oooh, Earth Rider, Thanks for the Great Lakes’



Old Joe Biden is not competent to serve as president of the United States, but you knew that already. The problem that increasingly confronts those who are running the Biden regime is that the Figurehead-In-Chief keeps providing us with new examples of his inability to perform what are officially his duties.

While Democrat leaders continue to pretend that the arrogant and corrupt kleptocrat they’ve installed in the Oval Office is as sharp as a tack and on top of the nation’s manifold problems, his ability to formulate a coherent sentence, which was never all that strong even two decades ago when he was a spry 61, keeps on failing him.

On Thursday, during a campaign stop at the Earth Rider Brewery in Superior, Wis., Old Joe’s latest demonstration of dementia and incoherence had him sounding as if he were channeling Marianne Williamson and dispensing New Age wisdom for a crowd of aging hippies: “The beer brewed here, heh heh, it is used to make the b- brewed beer in this defile — Oooh, Earth Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes, I wonder what…” Biden said before trailing off in a fog of confusion.

At that point, inexplicably, Biden’s audience erupted into happy laughter, as if they were watching something that fills Democrats with unalloyed delight, like, say, a video of Donald Trump being handcuffed and led into a jail cell. What on earth were these people thinking? Did they have the impression that this mean-spirited old liar had actually said something funny?

Did they think, since this was most likely a crowd full of people who think that men can become women, that if they pretended that Joe had said something funny, that it would make it so? Did they think that since he wasn’t even coming close to saying anything that made sense, he must be putting them on, since Jill Biden just recently told them that “He’s wise. He has wisdom.”?

Biden’s “Earth Rider” wisdom came just days after he appeared at a pro-abortion rally in Virginia and declared: “We’ll teach Donald Trump a valuable lesson.” Then, according to a transcription from Collin Rugg of Trending Politics: “Don’t mess with lawomenofmerica ‘nlessyouwannagetdabenefit.” Most have interpreted this mush-mouthed muddle as “Don’t mess with the women of America unless you wanna get the benefit.” …


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