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Diabolical Molecule inside mRNA Vaccines generates Harmful Proteins as Killer Prions, “Brain-Eating Amoeba”


Explosive and Disturbing Study by prof. Perez (Montagnier Foundation)

In our complex investigation into the diabolical molecule N1-methylpseudouridine initialed “m1Ψ”, created with a double laboratory manipulation of human uridine and used in the new mRNA biotechnology of Covid vaccines, the Canadian biochemist Jessica Rose has been shocked in the analysis on the results of an investigation from the University of Cambridge (Mulroney et al.) who confirmed the alarm which she raised together with other researchers about the very dangerous DNA fragments detected in the vials of the Comirnaty (Pfizer-Biontech) and Spikevax (Moderna) genetic sera.

These fragments have been found to be extremely dangerous because they can cause cancer, as even supported by the guidelines of the Food and Drug Administration (American drug regulator) and as reported to the FDA itself by the Surgeon General of Florida who requested the immediate and complete interruption of each administration of the Covid mRNA vaccine.

In reference to the Cambridge study, Dr. Rose explained that «the paper provides evidence for the formation “off-target” or unintended proteins following vaccination with BNT162b2 due to frameshifting. Given the proposed mechanism, a similar problem is likely to exist for the Moderna product».

The Sensational Discovery of the Biomathematician Perez

Well in recent days the biomathematician Jean-Claude Perez, continuing a study started with the late biologist Luc Montagnier, managed to identify that some of those anomalous proteins can be produced in the prion regions causing new fulminant neurocerebral pathologies such as human Mad Cow Disease.

But there are traces of protein production similar to those of the brain-eating amoeba…

Luc Montagnier and Jean-Claude Perez in 2021 in France

This was highlighted in a study published on 19 January 2024 in Zenodo (an authoritative scientific journal managed by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, commonly known by the acronym CERN). The research (link in the sources below) is still pre-print (awaiting peer review) but deals with a topic on which the author has already written other reviewed research.

Today we will limit ourselves to publishing the essential conclusions of Professor Perez, bioengineering expert and scientist of the Montagnier Foundation, referring for the more technical parts to our previous articles on the killer prions which we published in preview.

Last May, in fact, I interviewed the scientist above all about his previous and explosive research signed with Montagnier, already winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, with which they demonstrated, in March 2020, the artificial origin of SARS-Cov-2.

At the time they were also the subject of multiple censorship by the world scientific community but today even the Health Commission of the American Senate has reached the same conclusions in a dossier published in recent months.

The Role and Danger of Prions

Let’s first make a brief scientific introduction to biochemistry. Prions are proteins that exist naturally in the brain. They perform crucial tasks and are necessary for human health.

However, on rare occasions, a healthy prion can transform into a pathogenic prion. This misfold (i.e. this incorrect folding of the protein, ed.) is irreversible and from that moment the pathogenic prion converts all the healthy prions it encounters into pathogenic prions.

When pathogenic prions accumulate, people can begin to develop prion pathologies such as CJD, or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which has similar characteristics to veterinary Mad Cow syndrome in humans…


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