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George Washington’s Prophecy of the Coming Invasion of America



Many Christians are seeing visions of a coming invasion of America. Over 200 years ago, America’s first President, George Washington, saw the same thing. This post shows why his prophecy is a source of hope and encouragement for us today.

George Washington’s credibility has come under severe attacks, especially in the past hundred years. So before we look at his prophecy, we must first set the record straight regarding the accusations that he is a deist, which is someone who believes God created the earth but is no longer actively involved in what goes on here.

Sadly, I hear many Christians repeating this lie. It is a false accusation and an attack from Satan designed to undermine the foundations of our republic. The devil seeks to discredit the character of the man in order to discredit the principles that he promoted and upon which he established our nation. Here are four reasons why George Washington was not a deist:

  1. His Speeches: Deists do not say the things he said in his own speeches. His farewell address includes so many tributes to the Lord that it can no longer be published in public school history books.
  2. His Writings: Deists do not write the things he wrote in his own letters and documents. After surviving the French Indian war with four bullet holes in his coat but not a scratch on his body, the young Colonel George Washington wrote, “I now exist and appear in the land of the living by the miraculous care of Providence that protected me beyond all human expectation.”(1) Deists would never write that.
  3. His Prayers: Deists have no reason to pray because they don’t believe God answers prayers. The testimonies of the people who were closest to George Washington confirm he was a devoted Christian and a man of much prayer. When his army was at Valley Forge, his men reported that he went into the thicket many times to pray. There are many paintings showing him on his knees praying because he was well known for that.
  4. His Prophecies: Deists do not receive prophetic visions from the Lord because they do not believe God gives anyone prophetic visions. George Washington received the an amazing vision for America.

In the vision God revealed to George Washington three great perils that would come upon the republic. He saw the hand of God on America as our republic survived each of the perils. He was shown that America was going through the first peril at that time. The second peril was the American Civil War, which came nearly a hundred years later. The third is still looming in America’s future. The complete text of his prophecy is shown at the bottom of this post.(2)

It now appears our generation will be the ones who must confront the third and most fearful peril. Just as George Washington and his soldiers endured great trials to fight for the birth of our republic, our generation might soon be called upon to fight for America’s survival. When that day comes, we can take comfort in knowing our founder has already seen the outcome. As the angel said to him, “The whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union.”

The battle looming ahead of us appears ominous. George Washington saw fire burning the cities and villages of America. That is consistent with many other prophetic words posted on this site regarding the coming invasion of America. Here are a few of them:

TD Hale saw destruction coming from an invasion of America and described it as follows:

Then all of a sudden I began to see bombs had landed everywhere. The land was totally destroyed.

It looked like things were totally just wiped off, grass, trees, everything. Everything was gone, burned. There was nothing left. There was nothing on the trees. There was just total disaster. I don’t know if it was everywhere but it was everywhere that I could see, from the point I was at.

When I saw this I saw people standing around their homes and things that were left, holding onto each other. I saw people that laid dead, and I heard the cries of the people saying, “This should never have happened, this should never have happened.”

It was like they just kept saying it over and over again, “This should never have happened, oh Lord, this should never have happened.”

You could tell that life had changed. There was no food. There was no water. I could see babies crying, grownups, men all crying, holding onto their families. They were begging God for mercy. As I moved along I saw people running, looking for their loved ones who were missing and they were completely, completely out of their minds. Insanity had taken over.

I could see people slinging themselves off of bridges, committing suicide. It was just so vivid what I could see. [Continue reading]

Dr. Eric Castleberg also had a prophetic dream in which he saw disturbing images of destructive fire spreading across America in the days ahead…


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