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Has The “Cancer Cure” Been Known For 42 Years?



With King Charles being diagnosed with cancer this week, I thought back on this story…

And I wonder if we’re about to see a cancer cure finally “revealed”?

Oh, and wouldn’t this be a twist that these Evil Elites would just love…. what if they finally reveal the cancer cure but they say you have to take it with an mRNA injection?

It wouldn’t shock me one bit.

But back to our story…

I’d like to introduce you to a man named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski.

Some of you know him, but I suspect many of you do not.

They’ve tried to keep him and his medical research out of the public view for decades.

In fact, after learning about him and watching the documentary I’m about to show you, I think this person sums it up perfectly:

These people really are evil.

Can’t cure cancer, that would take away all the profits!

So here’s the short story…they’ve had the cure for 42 years:

More here…


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