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Could China Unleash a Cyber Pearl Harbor?



FBI Director Warns That Chinese Hackers Are Preparing to Inflict “Real-World Harm” on Americans

In his testimony last month before Congress, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned that hackers linked to China’s communist regime are targeting “critical” U.S. infrastructure “in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities.”

“If or when China decides the time has come to strike, they’re not focused solely on political or military targets. We can see from where they position themselves, across civilian infrastructure, that low blows aren’t just a possibility in the event of a conflict. Low blows against civilians are part of China’s plan,” Wray said.

Dangers of Cyber Attacks on Our Healthcare System

Cyber-attacks on the U.S. healthcare system have been growing in frequency and impact in the last few years – and these attacks pale in comparison to what a coordinated attack by the Chinese might look like.

Just this past Thanksgiving, a cyber-attack impacted 30 hospitals and 200 sites of care, as the website HealthITSecurity reported:

Ardent Health Services, which owns 30 hospitals and 200 sites of care across six states, confirmed a healthcare cyberattack that occurred on the morning of November 23. Hospitals in multiple states have been forced to divert ambulances amid disruptions caused by the Thanksgiving day cyberattack, CNN first reported.

The impacts of this Thanksgiving cyber-attack were devastating:

“The attacks forced some hospitals to go on diversion, meaning they were unable to accept new patients, while emergency rooms were closed to patients in need of critical time-sensitive lifesaving treatment and forced to delay or cancel surgeries and other critical procedures,” said Greenhalgh.

“We have seen the direct impact on certain patient groups, such as stroke patients, who have minimal time to diagnose clotting or bleeding once admitted into the emergency room. Without proper medical devices, how can a caregiver know which to treat or the severity?”

Chinese Cyber-Attacks Are a Growing Threat to the U.S.

The world is dangerous, and Joe Biden has made us weak on almost every front, but nowhere is that threat more ominous than the threat that Chinese cyber-attacks pose to the United States…


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One Comment

  1. doug doug February 11, 2024

    We are just “complacent” in our thinking and reality of our security. All these “little interruptions” that we hear little of or not at all are just tests to staging a catastrophic event against the USA. Just one reason not to “Put all our eggs in one basket”. Another past statement that is disregarded by the younger generation. These sayings and past safeguards we used to have in place will have no view or meaning from the now majority until catastrophe strikes. It will then I fear be too late.

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