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EU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates

That’s right – Europe has fallen under the influence of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and the shameless campaign to normalize pedophilia and other perversions in the western world.

According to Schwab, the EU’s push to normalize pedophilia and legalize sexual relations with children must now be adopted with the same enthusiasm in the US.

There is just one problem for Schwab and the other reprobates who crawl the halls of his globalist headquarters in Davos. We will never allow his sick agenda to infiltrate our culture. This is a hill we are willing to die on.

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The World Economic Forum ordered penetrated cabinets in Western nations to normalize pedophilia by changing legislation and when Klaus said jump, far-left Germany said how high.

Possession and distribution of child pornography is no longer a crime in Germany, after the Federal cabinet voted to change the criminal law provisions regarding child sexual abuse material.

Pedophiles found in possession of child pornography will now be charged with misdemeanors, rather than crimes, meaning they will not face prison time for their crimes against children, as the normalization of pedophilia continues to pick up speed in the Western world….

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