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Manufacturing Victimhood: Dishonest Jewish Methodology of Vilification by Vaughn Klingenberg

I have written numerous essays and booklets on the Holocaust. The organizations that typically have printed my essays are Veterans Today and The Barnes Review. I would often give my essays provocative, but honest, titles in order to pique the interest of potential readers. Some of the titles of the essays I have had published include, in Veterans Today: “An Apology for Adolf Hitler,” October 8th, 2018 (in which I argue that Hitler was actually a very cultured person; he loved the opera, was trained as an impressionistic painter, was a vegetarian, prohibited people around him from smoking, and he never married or had children because then he would have to reveal his Jewish lineage to the German public; this also explains why, were the alleged Holocaust story true, Hitler would most likely have ended it had he known about it—and there is absolutely no record that Hitler either authorized or, for that matter, even knew of any alleged “Holocaust” of the Jews); “Is Judaism a Religion or More Akin to Freemasonry?” August 27th, 2023 (in which I argue that since Judaism is not a professed religion—like Christianity or Islam–but an ideology based on racial lineage, since Orthodox Judaism traditionally does not believe in an afterlife, since it is not a self-contradiction for a Jew to be an atheist (as it would be for a Christian or Moslem if either dared to claim to also be an atheist), and because Jews are schooled from childhood to reciprocally promote fellow Jews over non-Jews, be it overtly or covertly, that therefore Judaism is most accurately understood as, most properly, a quasi-secret society hiding in plain sight and certainly not a religion per se; and, last of all, “Why doesn’t the Jewish community see Holocaust Revisionists as their friends?” November 22, 2023 (because Jews see the Holocaust as irrefutable dogma and a winner-take-all, zero-sum debate “game” in which there are winners (Jews) and losers (Holocaust Truthers) and no middle ground; the Holocaust, to Jews, is not something falsifiable—and therefore it is neither science nor actual conventional academic history. As a consequence, while Jews should be asking the questions Holocaust Revisionist Truthers are asking, they simply do not; instead, they dishonestly attempt to publicly vilify, intimidate, and silence their perceived opponents pre-emptively; they do this either because most all Jews today are, with respect to the orthodox account of the Holocaust, intellectually close-minded, fearful, and cowardly, or because they believe in their own manufactured hasbara propaganda, or because they suffer from profound cognitive dissonance; most all Jews are indoctrinated into the knee-jerk, unthinking, Pavlovian response of publicly labeling and slandering their perceived opponents with the scurrilous and dishonest sobriquets “anti-Semite” or “Holocaust denier” whenever anyone—especially a non-Jew–dares to ask the critical questions the Jewish community should be asking itself—that is, if they wanted a truly honest, fair, and balanced scientifically valid account of the Holocaust!).

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