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Zelensky and cronies keep stealing billions of foreign cash


Ukrainian authorities, including President Volodymyr Zelensky, his wife and other mighty officials in Kiev are indulged into corruption and rampant loot of public wealth, including billions of dollars of foreign aid. Meanwhile, international organizations are continuing to unearth massive corruption in Ukraine, which is being ignored by Biden administration for reason best known to them. Back in October 2021, UK’s The Guardian in a report titled “Anti-oligarch Ukrainian president’s offshore connections” said:

It was a storyline that in earlier times would have seemed impossible. For four years, the actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy entertained TV audiences in Ukraine with his starring role in the sitcom Servant of the People. Zelenskiy played a teacher who, outraged by his country’s chronic corruption, successfully runs for president. In 2019, Zelenskiy made fiction real when he contested Ukraine’s actual presidential election and won.

On the campaign trail, Zelenskiy pledged to clean up Ukraine’s oligarch-dominated ruling system. And he railed against politicians such as the wealthy incumbent Petro Poroshenko who hid their assets offshore. The message worked. Zelenskiy won 73% of the vote and now sits in a cavernous office in the capital, Kyiv, decorated with gilded stucco ceilings. Last month, he held talks with Joe Biden in the Oval Office…

In 2022, media reports said, “The Americans become increasingly concerned about the issue of the financial assistance to Ukraine. According to publicist Candice Owens, the amount of $50 billion that the USA allocated to Kyiv had been spent to acquire real estate in Switzerland.

“The Kiev regime may soon find itself not only without Starlink, but also without foreign funding. The United States doubts that Ukraine is spending the allocated billions to strengthen its army.

“Speaking on Tucker Carlson show on Fox News, political commentator Candace Owens said that the USA just gave Zelensky $50 billion, but he was asking for more. Zelensky is America’s welfare queen, Owens said adding that she had spent a couple of weeks in Europe, where she heard people saying that Ukrainian officials were buying property in Switzerland”.

In the same year, a bomb exploded in the American information field when Republican political activist Candace Owens said on Fox News that the multibillion-dollar aid sent to Ukraine from the United States does not go entirely to the needs of ordinary people. On the contrary, the dollar rain that has spilled over our southern neighbor is carefully collected by the raking hands of local officials and used in their dirty deeds. “Do you want to know where this money goes? I recently travelled to Europe, and people are saying that Ukrainian officials are buying up real estate in Switzerland,” Owens plainly told well-known columnist Tucker Carlson. However, this is extremely serious accusation. The activist assures that she voiced the information because she is one hundred percent sure of it. And if the evidence falls on the table, Biden and the Democrats will be in big trouble.

In January 2024, French news outlet France24 in a report quoting Ukraine’s security agency said,  Ukrainian defense officials and corporate leaders sought to steal about US$40 million through a fraudulent arms procurement scheme.

Ukraine’s SBU security service said that current and former senior officials of the defense ministry and heads of affiliated companies “attempted to steal almost UAH 1.5 billion (US$40 million) from the budget by purchasing 100,000 mortar rounds for the Armed Forces”.

They allegedly signed a contract to buy the shells from the arms supplier Lviv Arsenal in August 2022, after which the defense ministry “transferred the full amount stipulated in the signed document to the company’s accounts”.

From there the funds went to a foreign commercial entity that was supposed to deliver the ammunition but “not a single artillery shell” was ever sent to Ukraine, according to the SBU.

Officials accused of participating in the scheme include the current and former heads of the defense ministry’s Department of Military and Technical Policy, Development of Armaments and Military Equipment, as well as the head of Lviv Arsenal.

Meanwhile, several Republicans agree with Senator JD Vence’s memo circulated on February 12, 2024 that there is a “hidden” clause in the national security supplemental bill that could be used to impeach Donald Trump from office once he is elected on November 5, 2024. Senator Vance sent a memo to GOP lawmakers highlighting that the bill, which would send billions of federal dollars to Ukraine assures the delivery of funding through September 2025.

Trump, however, has vowed to end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours of gaining office, which would also end funding…


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