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“This is not the Russia that we, frankly, wanted”: Nuland said that the Russian leadership does not suit the United States

By Top War


Russia in its current form does not suit the United States; Washington does not intend to do business with the current Russian leadership. This statement was made by Deputy Head of the State Department Victoria Nuland.

In an interview with CNN, Nuland bluntly stated that today’s Russia is not a country with which the United States would like to do business. According to her, if Moscow were more oriented toward the West, in general, would accept US rules, becoming “democratic,” then contacts could be established with it. But the States do not need a sovereign, independent Russia. The Russian leadership is leading the country “in the wrong direction,” but it should go back to the 90s, when the Americans opened the doors to the Kremlin with their feet.

This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted. We wanted a partner who would be Western-oriented, European (…) However, this is not what Putin did – Nuland said, adding that the United States will continue to impose sanctions against the Russian leadership in order to force it to accept American rules and sit down at the negotiating table on US terms, including on Ukraine…


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