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U.S. Says Israel Has Agreed to a Ceasefire Framework


Last Monday, Joe Biden went on Seth Meyers show and teased a ceasefire in Gaza; “I hope by the end of the weekend… My national security adviser tells me that we’re close — we’re close — we’re not done yet. My hope is by next Monday we’ll have a ceasefire.”

When contacted by the media, Israel, Hamas, and the mediators from Qatar all said that what Biden said about the ceasefire wasn’t true.

Now we learn that the Israelis “have more or less accepted” a ceasefire proposal and it only needs Hamas’s agreement to be implemented.

I don’t recall ever hearing a proposal being “more or less” accepted. So take this news with a grain of salt.

The ceasefire proposal includes a six-week ceasefire as well as the release by Hamas of hostages considered “vulnerable.” The Associated Press reports that a U.S. official said that “vulnerable” hostages include “the sick, the wounded, the elderly and women.”

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