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The Nazi-Zionist Connection – Shocking Hidden History

 By Jim Condit Jr. 

Hitler cooperated with the eventual founders of Israel from 1933 onward; Nazism was essentially another Zionist operation, funded by the Rothschild-circle-of-International-Bankers and key corporations on Wall Street. Hitler was tasked, — with the help of IBM from the month he came to power in March, 1933, — with identifying and/or rounding up as many everyday Jews as possible in order to immediately — or eventually — get them down to Palestine for the eventual takeover. The takeover by “Israel” happened in 1948, three years after World War II ended, and Hitler was shuffled off the world stage. Note to Jewish researchers: see the 1961 book, “Perfidy” by Ben Hecht, and then come back and look at/listen to the first two videos immediately below. Ben Hecht was himself a large fundraiser for the Zionists leading up to the founding of Israel in 1948. A Jewish screenwriter in Hollywood, Hecht was an assistant to David O’Selznick for the movie, “Gone with the Wind”, and wrote the screenplay for the movie, “Farewell to Arms.” What Hecht found, to his utter dismay, was that the founders of Israel didn’t care how many everyday Jews were caught in the crossfire of the Rothschild plans, or how many died, or were killed, along the way. In the video below featuring author and scholar Edwin Black on the Transfer Agreement, Black reveals that the Nazis issued a coin with Nazi symbols on one side, and Zionist symbols on the other. ( !!! ) The Journal of Palestine Studies in the August 1976 issue, in an article by Klaus Polkein, reported that a ship left from Germany for Palestine in 1936 – flying both a Nazi Swastika flag and a Start of David flag on the mast. This IS Hidden History!

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