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‘Blood Money’: Two of the Biggest Funders of the Radical Transgender Movement in the U.S. Are China-Linked Billionaires



Pro-Beijing groups financially backed by two China-linked billionaires are pushing the radical transgender movement as a means of advancing a Marxist agenda in the United States, seven-time New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer reveals in his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

In Blood Money, Schweizer, who is a Breitbart News senior contributor and the president of the Government Accountability Institute, reveals China’s multi-pronged, covert attack on America. In Chapter 6, called “Destabilizing Democracy,” Schweizer explores how two billionaires, China-based American Neville Roy Singham and Alibaba co-founder Joseph Tsai, prop up radical activists’ groups that use transgenderism as a weapon against the “capitalist order.”

Schweizer first focuses on Singham, who grew up in Jamaica and Detroit, Michigan, and as a young man adopted communist ideological views, joining the League of Revolutionary Black Workers (LRBW). Singham ended up creating a software business named Thoughtworks, while also serving as a “strategic technical consultant” for Huawei, the Chinese military-linked tech company.

Thoughtworks eventually opened an office in Beijing; and in 2010, it held its Software Development Conference in China’s capital city…


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