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Col. Douglas Macgregor: “I do not think we’ll get to the 2024 election”



A lot of people are speaking out and saying they don’t believe we will reach a 2024 Election.

Won’t make it.

Can’t make it.

The system is going to crash and crumble under the weight of the destruction caused by the Biden Regime.

And that’s fine when “regular people” like you or me say it on Twitter, I don’t tend to write a story about it.

But when a highly respected GOOD retired Colonel like Col. Douglas Macgregor (one of the good guys!) says it, that’s when I pay special attention.

Here’s what he just posted on 12/1/23:

It’s actually not the first we’ve heard from him along these lines…

A few months ago, he went on the Patrick Bet-David podcast and said this:

Col. MacGregor: “I Think The Banks Are Going Down For 2-3 Weeks”

I’m not gonna say “I told you so” because that’s tacky…

But I do take my reporting very seriously and I love to see when our reporting is backed up by big sources.

I’ve been shouting from the rooftops that the banking failures of April/May are not over.

That was just the start.

I’ve been saying we almost certainly see a period of time where the banks “shut down” and you can’t get your money…


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