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You Know, This Guy Actually Scares the Heck Out of Me


Most of us here at PJ Media opted to hang out online, drink, and point and laugh at “President” Biden’s State of the Union speech on Thursday. But mine, at least, was nervous laughter. The truth is that this guy is the most terrifying American politician I’ve ever seen — well, him and the team that operates him and runs the administration apparatus.

Joe Biden has always been a nasty bully. He’s the abusive dad who laughs at you and belittles you, then turns around and kicks you down a flight of stairs. I almost never watch political speeches, mainly because they bore me — who wants to sit and pay attention to an hour-long commercial, most of which is infuriating lies? But in Biden’s case, I don’t watch because his speeches are truly frightening, and I hate feeling frightened.

He calls people like me the enemy of my own, beloved country. He clubs us over the head with labels like “threat to our sacred democracy.” I’m a “right-wing extremist,” a “white supremacist,” a “domestic terrorist.” Setting aside how deeply, deeply offensive his abusive name-calling is, it’s also really scary.

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