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NATO Secretary General said the alliance has no plans to expand the number of countries with nuclear weapons

By Top War


On March 7, almost two years after applying to join NATO, Sweden officially became a member of the alliance. Today, a solemn ceremony of raising the flag of the new participating country took place at the bloc’s headquarters in Brussels.

In turn, during a joint press conference with the Swedish prime minister, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance does not plan to expand the number of countries on whose territory nuclear weapons are located. weapon, including at the expense of new participants. In addition, the head of the “peace-loving bloc” added that the NATO military leadership regularly evaluates the existing combat potential and at the moment does not see the need to form new groups of troops in Sweden.

It is worth noting that the head of the Swedish government, Ulf Kristersson, spoke in a similar vein. According to him, the country’s authorities do not consider it advisable to host nuclear weapons or NATO bases in peacetime…


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