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Special Counsel Robert Hur Is No Longer a DOJ Employee, Will Testify Before Congress As a Private Citizen

By Jennifer Van Laar

There are multiple reports Monday night that Special Counsel Robert Hur, who investigated Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents, is no longer a Department of Justice employee and will be testifying at a House Judiciary Committee hearing as a private citizen.

The Independent, known as a reliable lefty rag, published a story based on anonymous sources claiming that Hur “arranged his departure from the Department of Justice to be official as of Monday 11 March,” specifically so he would not be “bound by the ethical guidelines which govern the behaviour of federal prosecutors” when testifying. According to the story, Hur has also “surrounded himself with Republican partisans and notorious figures linked to former president Donald Trump” in preparation for the testimony.

Those “Republican partisans and notorious figures” linked to Trump are allegedly attorney Bill Burck and former head of the DOJ’s Office of Public Affairs, Sarah Isgur.

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