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‘The Purge’ Comes to Pittsburgh


“The Purge” is coming to Pittsburgh between the hours of 3 a.m. and 7 a.m., and if that works out well enough for the city’s criminal class, maybe they’ll expand those hours.

For those not in the know, “The Purge” is a series of dystopian thrillers — the first was decent, but the four sequels proved increasingly unnecessary — set in a near-future United States where, for one night each year, all crime is legal. Whatever it is you want to do, from shoplifting to killing your mother-in-law, it’s all good.

Maybe the changes being made to the Pittsburgh Police Department’s rules and hours aren’t quite that extreme. But from my vantage point, it looks like city officials saw how organized crime rings had taken shoplifting to entirely new levels in under-policed cities like San Francisco and said, “Hold my donut!”

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