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Will There Be An Eternal Resurrection Unto ‘Shame And Everlasting Contempt’ For Some Israelites?

[CFT Note: We are republishing this important essay because this issue has once again come up in the comments section.

The pernicious idea that the Bible is some sort of racial manifesto that guarantees salvation to all fleshly Israelites imperils many Christians — and as we show here, to maintain this belief requires a willful disregard for a plethora of Scripture that contradicts this notion.

But whether you belief it or not, our advice to all Christians is a simple one — better to be safe in your faith in Christ by living a righteous, blameless life rather than be sorry in putting your faith in your supposed Israelite flesh and expecting eternal life because of it.]

Will There Be An Eternal Resurrection Unto ‘Shame And Everlasting Contempt’ For Some Israelites?

In our recent series on the alleged Israelite identity of all Romans, we have been addressing many of the doctrines held by those who believe that only Israelites according to the flesh will be saved — and also that all Israelites according to the flesh will be saved.

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