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Fact Check: Biden’s Myth of the Lowest Crime Rate in 50 Years

Thousands more murders under Biden than under Trump.


“Last year, the United States had one of the lowest rates of all violent crime — of all violent crimes in more than 50 years.  Murder, rape — murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery all dropped sharply, along with burglary, property crime, and theft,” Biden recently proclaimed at a White House law enforcement event.

And then he claimed credit for it.

While Biden has a history of making things up, this particular one has been slowly making its way through the media which is also composed of the only people who could possibly believe it.

The original source for the claim that the United States had the lowest crime rate in 50 years came from the substack blog of Jeff Asher, a 30-something former federal employee who set up his own consulting and analytics firm that helps create “a more equitable criminal justice system” which is a term often used for the pro-crime policies that led to the high crime rates.

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