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The Weaponized IRS Has Spent 5 Years Trying to Destroy the Freedom Center. Without Your Help, They May Succeed.

Our thought crime was our mission to defend free societies from enemy forces without and within.


When Peter Collier and I launched the Freedom Center in 1988, we knew that there was a war going on in America. As former radicals, we also knew that only one side was aware that they were combatants in a war, or that its objective was to destroy “The American Empire” and establish a one-party state. These anti-American radicals set their sights on gaining full control of the Democrat Party, a goal that was achieved in 2008 with the election of a dyed-in-the-wool anti-American, anti-white, radical, raised by Communists— Barack Obama.

The evidence of this radical takeover was there all along—but most conservative organizations failed to heed it. By the 1984 Democratic Convention, elements of the radicals’ ideology were so entrenched in the Democrat Party that New York Governor and former presidential contender, Mario Cuomo, could deliver a keynote speech with sentiments like this: “We need to work as we have never done before between now and November 5th to take Congress back from Republicans, because ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, the Republicans are the real threat. They are the real threat to our women. They are the real threat to our children. They are the real threat to clean water, clean air

This language was the uncompromising language of war. But the Republican response to this demonizing assault, which was to grow more and more extreme over the years, was to refer to Democrats as “liberals,” as though they were tolerant and inclusive. As former radicals, Collier and I understood the malicious, treasonous intentions of the left and created the Freedom Center to warn patriots of the dangers our nation faced from within.

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