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Chemical tanker capsizes off Japanese coast

The sinking of a South Korean vessel has left at least eight crewmen dead and two missing

By RT International

At least eight crewmen have been killed and two left missing after a South Korean chemical tanker capsized near an island just off the western Japanese coast.

The vessel, named the Keoyoung Sun and owned by South Korea’s Keo Young Shipping Co., sent out a distress call on Wednesday morning near Mutsure Island, according to the Japanese Coast Guard. It was reported to be tilting to one side after anchoring in rough seas and high winds near Mutsure, to the west of Shimonoseki, a port city at the southwestern tip of Japan’s biggest island.

The 28-year-old tanker was loaded with 980 tons of acrylic acid and was operated by a crew of two South Koreans, eight Indonesians and one Chinese national. It was completely capsized by the time Japanese rescuers arrived on scene. The Japanese Coast Guard recovered one surviving crewman, an Indonesian, and the bodies of eight who perished. Two others were still missing as of Wednesday evening.

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