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Roger Stone Is Now a “Free Man” After Trump Commutes Prison Sentence

Roger Stone, who in a few days was set to begin his prison sentence related to the Mueller investigation, has now had his sentence commuted due to an Executive Grant of clemency signed by President Trump on Friday.

In a statement from the White House, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the president based his decision to commute the Republican strategist and Trump ally’s sentence based on the “egregious facts and circumstances surrounding his unfair prosecution, arrest, and trial.”

“Roger Stone is a victim of the Russia Hoax that the Left and its allies in the media perpetuated for years in an attempt to undermine the Trump Presidency,” McEnany wrote in the Friday night statement. “There was never any collusion between the Trump Campaign, or the Trump Administration, with Russia.  Such collusion was never anything other than a fantasy of partisans unable to accept the result of the 2016 election. The collusion delusion spawned endless and farcical investigations, conducted at great taxpayer expense, looking for evidence that did not exist.”

McEnany asserted that the Mueller team, lacking an actual collusion-related crime with which to charge President Trump’s associates, “resorted to process-based charges leveled at high-profile people in an attempt to manufacture the false impression of criminality lurking below the surface.”

“These charges were the product of recklessness borne of frustration and malice,” she added.

The statement noted Stone’s prominent career in politics, which encompasses 50 years of consulting for well-known Republicans such as former President Ronald Reagan, Senator Bob Dole, and others. McEnany also noted that Stone is known for “his outspoken support for President Donald J. Trump and opposition to Hillary Clinton.”

The statement called the Mueller investigation a probe “borne of frustration and malice” that found no evidence of collusion. “Instead, they charged [Stone] for his conduct during their investigation,” McEnany maintains. “The simple fact is that if the Special Counsel had not been pursuing an absolutely baseless investigation, Mr. Stone would not be facing time in prison.”

The press secretary went on to condemn the way in which the FBI arrested Stone. Noting that the eclectic political figure is a 67-year-old man with various medical conditions who had never before been convicted of any crime, the statement read:

But rather than allow him to surrender himself, they used dozens of FBI agents with automatic weapons and tactical equipment, armored vehicles, and an amphibious unit to execute a pre-dawn raid of his home, where he was with his wife of many years. Notably, CNN cameras were present to broadcast these events live to the world, even though they swore they were not notified — it was just a coincidence that they were there together with the FBI early in the morning.

McEnany also questioned the manner in which the trial was conducted, including the court’s decision to allow a jury forewoman who concealed her “resistance” to and deep criticism of Trump’s presidency.

Moreover, the statement argued that Stone’s health would be in serious risk in prison.

Stone was to report to prison on July 14 and serve for 40 months after being convicted in November of last year on seven counts of obstruction, witness tampering, and making false statements to Congress. Stone had repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and appealed his conviction.

The commutation means that while Stone is not absolved as he would be under a pardon, he will not have to do the prison time. Stone has signaled that he will continue fighting to have his name cleared through the appeal of his conviction.

“The President does not wish to interfere with his efforts to do so,” McEnany wrote. “At this time, however, and particularly in light of the egregious facts and circumstances surrounding his unfair prosecution, arrest, and trial, the President has determined to commute his sentence.”

“Roger Stone is now a free man!” she concluded.

Stone told the Associated Press that that president called him Friday evening to tell him about the commutation.

Democrats reproved the move, which they called another example of President Trump undermining the rule of law, along with the Justice Department’s recent decision to drop all charges against former national security advisor Michael Flynn, who, like Stone, faced process crime charges related to the Mueller investigation.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) called the commutation “offensive to the rule of law and principles of justice.”

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez, meanwhile, asked, “Is there any power Trump won’t abuse?”

After staying on the sidelines for so long, President Trump has at last put the breaks on one of the Deep State’s most high-profile hits.

Photo of Roger Stone: AP Images

Luis Miguel is a marketer and writer whose journalistic endeavors shed light on the Deep State, the immigration crisis, and the enemies of freedom. Follow his exploits on Facebook, Twitter, Bitchute, and at


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One Comment

  1. Phill W Phill W July 12, 2020

    This is very good news.

    Now, arrest, and hold military tribunals, for everyone involved in the attempted coup, child trafficking and deep state criminal activity, followed by executions.

    TRUMP 2020!

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