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MTG Introduces Strange Amendment As She Fights Ukraine Funding Package

By Sarah Arnold


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced an amendment to the supplemental funding bill for Ukraine that has raised eyebrows. 

The amendment would require any member of Congress who votes “in favor” to send additional funding to Ukraine to enlist in the Ukrainian military.

“Any Member of Congress who votes in favor of this Act shall be required to conscript in the Ukrainian military,” the amendment to the Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act 2024 reads.

“I mean if you want to fund the war, why don’t you go fight in it,” Greene said. “Show your support for Ukraine.”

She also called for the development of “space laser technology on the southwest border” as $60.8 billion is earmarked for Ukraine under the spending package. Meanwhile, only $26.4 billion would be sent to Israel— which has been attacked on all fronts in the past several months. 

“Israel has some of the best unmanned defense systems in the world. I’ve previously voted to fund space lasers for Israel’s defense,” Greene said. “America needs to take our national security seriously and deserves the same type of defense for our border that Israel has and proudly uses…


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