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Is THIS Exactly How The Compromise Members of Congress? (Warning: EXPLICIT)

By Noah


A post is going viral on Twitter claiming that Bernie Sanders raped a boy on video tape 30 years ago….

The post has 1.3 million views already and growing fast.

I want to be very clear at the onset of this article to say we have absolutely NO EVIDENCE to corroborate that claim.

Am I clear on that?

Because that’s not the most interesting part of this viral Twitter post to me.

I don’t care if it’s true or not with regard to Bernie Sanders.

I’m even going to assume it’s not true.

But what’s really interesting to me is that what is described here is how I imagine things ACTUALLY happen.

It’s the age old question…..

We all wonder what happens to people who seem to be really good people with common sense who love America…..what happens to them when they get to D.C. and suddenly change all of a sudden for seemingly no reason?

I think this can explain it.

Let me just show you the post that is going viral and then I’ll break it all down…


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